Meet the Leathersmith

Hi! I'm Dee and these are my buddies:  

my horse, Zebby and my dog, Roscoe.  I am a Leathersmith and we are active competitors in the sport of Dressage.  (Roscoe doesn't actually compete but he comes along for our moral support).

I grew up around leathersmiths and horses.  My parents were accomplished leathersmiths and they hauled my horses and I around the country from Colorado to Canada so I could compete in Arabian horse shows.

Today, I live off the power grid, deep in the Northwoods of remote northeastern Minnesota, where Canada is my closest neighbor and the sun is my power source.  I live with my husband Dave, two horses, two dogs and a cat.  

I am a self taught leathersmith and complete all of my projects 100% by hand and with no machines.  I am a one-woman show, creating one project at a time, which are inspired by my life in the beautiful Northwoods of Minnesota.